Also I bought a desoldering-iron -which is very handy when desoldering the old contacts.
I was very happy to discover that the new contacts was a perfect replacement for the old Alps.
The original Alps are on the left and Omron B3F-4000 on the right
Ready to do the job....
The picture shows my new desoldering iron, replacement contacts and the board.
Desoldered the first button.
The button actually consists of two parts: the tactile contact and the button containg the LED.
The actual button is held to the board by the legs of the LED.
The contact has 4 legs.
Ready to do the job....
The picture shows my new desoldering iron, replacement contacts and the board.
Desoldered the first button.
The button actually consists of two parts: the tactile contact and the button containg the LED.
The actual button is held to the board by the legs of the LED.
The contact has 4 legs.
I desoldered all legs (6) and removed the whole unit. Then I carefully seperated the two components (contact and button). Then I carefully inserted the new contact into the button and finally I soldered the 6 legs to the board again.
This was repeated 19 times.
Now the buttons are all working perfect and needs only to be pressed lightly.
unitThis was repeated 19 times.
Now the buttons are all working perfect and needs only to be pressed lightly.
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